Research has shown that stress and anxiety can worsen dry eye syndrome. Click here to learn about stress and dry eye, treatment methods, etc

Wearing contact lenses can cause or worsen dry eye symptoms. People can reduce symptoms by using eye drops, good lens hygiene, and trying home remedies.
The National Eye Institute (NEI) explains that millions of Americans suffer from dry eye syndrome, a condition in which tears do not work. People with dry eyes may experience a stinging, stinging or burning sensation in the eyes and blurred vision. Their eyes may also be red and sensitive to light.
A doctor may recommend lifestyle changes to reduce symptoms. They may also recommend prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops to lubricate the surface of the eye.
This article presents methods for dealing with contact lens wearing and dry eyes. It also explains the different types of lenses available and contact lens hygiene.

Contact Lens Solution

Contact Lens Solution
Contact lenses sit on the surface of the eye and many people find them a convenient alternative to glasses. However, the NEI notes that wearing contact lenses increases the risk of developing dry eye syndrome, and this discomfort causes many people to stop wearing contact lenses.
Tears keep the surface of the eye moist and help maintain clear vision. When a person blinks, tears form a thin film that covers the surface of the eye (called the cornea).
A 2020 National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) paper explains that the outer surface of the tear film is slightly oily with a wetter layer underneath.
Contact lenses are located in the middle of the tear film, but interfere with its function and stability. According to a 2018 article, this can cause friction between the lens and the surface of the human eye. Without an oily coating, tears evaporate faster, resulting in dry eyes.
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), many people find it beneficial to switch to everyday disposable lenses. Alternatively, switching to a hydrogen peroxide cleaning system can make lenses more comfortable.
The 2017 NCBI document also recommends the use of lubricating eye drops to reduce friction between the lens and the cornea.
The AOA added that prolonged exposure to digital devices can dry out a person’s eyes and recommend following the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes of screen time, people should focus on an object about 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
Optometrists advise people about contact lenses. They take into account a person’s prescription requirements, lifestyle, eye health, and how often they plan to wear glasses.
The AOA explains that there are two main types of contact lenses: disposable soft contact lenses and gas permeable hard contact lenses.
The group explained that while soft lenses may seem more comfortable, they do not eliminate all vision problems. In addition, rigid lenses provide clearer vision.
However, the results of a 2017 study showed that people who wore disposable contact lenses experienced fewer dry eye symptoms.
Different types of contact lenses require different care, but the principles of lens hygiene are the same for everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend the following steps:
Many people find that eye drops lubricate the eyes and relieve dry eye symptoms. Many medicines are available without a prescription.
People can also buy lubricating gels and ointments such as Refresh Lacri-lube or Liquigel to apply to the eyelids. They can cause visual impairment, so doctors recommend using them at bedtime after removing contact lenses.
Doctors may prescribe medications for people with dry eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, these include:
According to the CDC, dry eyes and wearing contact lenses can cause permanent damage to a person’s cornea. They advise people to remove contact lenses if their eyes are irritated and see an ophthalmologist if symptoms do not improve within a few hours.
People can relieve symptoms by maintaining contact lens hygiene and wearing them for less time. They can also relieve the condition by applying warm compresses to their eyes, taking regular breaks in front of a screen, and massaging the eye area.

Contact Lens Solution

Contact Lens Solution
Over-the-counter eye drops will help keep your eyes lubricated. Doctors may also prescribe eye drops or nasal sprays to increase tear production or reduce inflammation.
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Post time: Sep-06-2023