Precautions when wearing contact lenses for the first time

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You’ve just received your first pair of contact lenses, great!But now, you’ll be amazed for the first few days by tiny visual elements you’ve never seen before, like dew on grass and specks of color on bright green leaves.But it’s normal!
It’s an exciting time, but like all new things, it can also be very intimidating.After all, contact lenses are high-tech medical devices, and your vision is one of your most precious senses.Therefore, it is crucial to make appropriate decisions for eye health and comfort.You can also explore all types of contact lenses under one roof at eyeglass retailers like Titan Eyeplus.What type of contact lenses did you buy?
Soft Contact Lenses – Soft contact lenses for vision are made of flexible plastic and designed with the latest optical technology.They help correct eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and presbyopia by allowing more oxygen to pass through the cornea.

Colored Contact Lenses For Astigmatism

Colored Contact Lenses For Astigmatism
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses – These are rigid and gas permeable contact lenses.These contact lenses are made from stronger polymers and provide better vision than soft contact lenses.They provide a secure fit and the power of the eye’s lens is ideal for those with astigmatism or other eye conditions such as blurred vision or an irregularly shaped eyeball.
Disposable Contact Lenses – Disposable contact lenses can be discarded or replaced after one or several uses.Based on this, they are called daily or monthly.Soft lenses are generally available as disposable lenses.
Long Wear Contact Lenses – Long wear lenses consist of a silicone hydrogel that allows more oxygen to reach the surface of the eye than standard soft lenses.Therefore, they are very breathable and can be used safely for long periods of time.
Colored Contact Lenses – These are contact lenses that come in a variety of colors.Tinted contact lenses are used as cosmetics or accessories to help improve a person’s overall appearance.They are available in powered and non-powered versions.
Now, let’s take some precautions for the smooth use of your new contact lenses.Here are the do’s and don’ts when wearing and caring for your contact lenses.
- Always keep hands clean.Hands can be contaminated with bacteria, so wash hands thoroughly before inserting or removing contactors.It is recommended to use a clear lotion-free soap and dry hands thoroughly.
- Make sure your lens case is clean.Pour all contact lens solution out of the box, wipe with clean fingers, and rinse with fresh solution; dry with a paper towel, then place it upside down on a paper towel (including lid) until you are ready to take it at night lower contact.1-3 months to replace the casing regularly.
- Check with your ophthalmologist to see if you can sleep with your contact lenses on.Sleeping with contact lenses increases the chance of eye infections.However, some contact lenses are approved for use at night, so as long as you have regular eye exams and get your doctor’s approval, you should be fine.
- Change contact lenses regularly.Some disposable lenses are designed to be thrown away every day, every other week, or every month.Breathable lenses are an exception because they last longer and are usually renewed annually.Wearing contact lenses for longer than recommended can lead to unhealthy and painful eyes.
- Do not add more contact lens solution to your contact lenses.When keeping contact lenses overnight, fresh contact lens solution is recommended.
- It’s not a good idea to buy contacts without a prescription.Unfortunately, many patients feel that because the lens is decorative, tinted or decorative and does not have any “power” to help improve visual performance, they can use it without a doctor’s prescription.But the surface of our eyes each has its own unique qualities, and every contact lens, whether decorative or prescribed, should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist before use.

Colored Contact Lenses For Astigmatism

Colored Contact Lenses For Astigmatism
Learning how to accomplish new things takes time.It may take up to a week for you to adjust to your new contact lens lifestyle and feel completely confident.Make sure you only buy branded and trusted contact lenses.Titan Eyeplus is one such eyeglass retailer, offering the best contact lens brands.So, shop wisely!
Indian Retailer is the largest news, information and market intelligence provider for the Indian retail industry.Exclusive retail business news from Indian retailers…read more

Post time: Apr-23-2022