Wearing tinted contact lenses on Halloween can cause serious problems

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Common Halloween eye accessories include colored or makeup contact lenses, false eyelashes, and glittery eyeshadow.
Incorrectly worn contact lenses can scratch the cornea, the transparent front surface of the eye, and cause corneal wear.

Halloween Contact Lenses

Halloween Contact Lenses
Tinted contact lenses may contain chemicals that are toxic to the eyes. These chemicals can get into the eyes and cause inflammation, scarring, and vision loss.
As part of a Halloween outfit, fake eyelashes can accentuate your eyes. Professionals can safely use them in hygienic conditions.
Infection of the eyes occurs in unsanitary conditions of the cabin or through direct eye contact with tools.
It is best to avoid heated eyelash curlers so as not to accidentally burn the skin of the eyelid and cornea.
Metallic or shiny scales can accidentally get into the eyes. They can irritate the eyes and lead to infection, especially in contact lens wearers.
If the eyes are red, inflamed, or cloudy, remove eye makeup thoroughly and immediately and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Dr. Frederick Ho, MD, Director of Atlantic Ophthalmology and Medicine, Atlantic Center for Surgery and Laser Surgery, is a Board Certified                        Ophthalmologist. Atlantic Eye MD is located at 8040 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne. make appoi

Post time: Oct-25-2022